Starting a new job

It's been a great experience with my current employer; ready for change.

Hand with sparkler. Credit:

I hated working in insurance. Day in and day out, I answered calls from people going through their worst day. I didn't realize it until I started learning web development, but I was a creative-type working in a non-creative position. And I was ill-equipped to not take that home with me. When I received an offer from SB, I was over the moon! Finally getting to work in a position where I was going to really like what I was doing.

After over four years at the same company? I honestly still feel the same way.

That's a rad way to go. I didn't leave because I was unhappy or struggling or disliked any of my coworkers. It isn't lost on me how lucky I am that I am leaving a position that I liked.

Then why leave?


Because of the challenge. Because throwing yourself into something new and challenging is the only way to grow. Sometimes you have to shake it up.

I'm excited to start my new job. I'm excited for the company I'm leaving, and think they're going to build some really great stuff. That's a really great spot to be in.